Saturday, December 26, 2009

juz bck from china^^

holiday went 2 china for 8 day n 7 night trip^^
sibeh tired....
but its super fun^^
we went 2 diffrent places.....
meet difrent ppl.....
learn diffrent language....
its rily fun^^
v went shopping...
buy lots of cheap stuff~~
n its rily cheap...
u cant c those price in malaysia....
so v went there wif 1 bag...
come bck wif 3 bag~~

ther is stil lot of funny stuff happen in china~~
v went to 1 of the place 2 visit is a wax house....
inside all thing r made of wax include pll....
so i n few of my cousin find some dark place n stand still.....
n the tourist pass by wil get scared when saw us move....
some of them samore intend 2 take picture wif us....
but atlaz they all get shocked...
tat was fun....(sory guys)
in tis 8 day...
v hav stayed in bout 5 hotel..
all oso not bad^^
my family gt bout 20 ppl...
so some of my cousin oso travel wif us^^
v every nite after check in hotel n take bath....
after tat v all went in 1 of our room n chat...
n play some card game......
until midnite 1 to 2 am^^...
so the laz day all of us was lik the panda in china....
n walk lik zombies...
juz hope next time can travel agn^^