Friday, October 14, 2011

1st year annivesery huh<3
present was surprise enough~
thou i acted like i knew longlong time agoXD
love looking at u when u stick ur lips togather and din even make a soundXD
damn cute la weih!
hope u can wait for my present  too^~^
love you my gurl!

Monday, October 3, 2011


weekendss was just awesome~~
went to neway at cheras celebrate relative bday....
eat play for the whole weekend~
this morning woke up high fever==''
gonna take mc......
and hope tml everything will be alrite!!
the gurl came to my house straight after her class...
fetch me see docter....
buy porridge for my lunch....
i love you so much!
just wanna tell u that i really feels comfortable when u are by my side....
i love you!