Friday, November 6, 2009

stil the same.....

2day stil goin out wif fren.......
v plan 2 go frim jogging..........
the sky was crying....
v all sat in the restaurant n "bincang" where 2 go.....
v hav sat bout half n hour....
at laz v decide 2 go........
our 88 "lou dei fong"

after tat......
v when 4 lunch.....
lao eh.....
tat mamak sibeh "fu guai" o.....
1 magi goreng bout 4 ringgit.....
althought it not tat expansive......
but it stil expensive than other mamak wat........
i think i wun eat there anymore lll><

after finish eating......
every 1 oso feel tired jor.....
n v all went home by 2 fren car.....
ther are 9 of us n only 2 car.....
n i folow 1 of them.......

he fetch 4 ppl home(include me)
1 is in metro....
1 is in kepong indah...
1 is in selayang......
n i stay near sg buloh...(desa aman)

on the way b4 goin bck......
they suddenly wanna go playground......(in side wong bak man)
5 half adult playing in a children play ground......
but fun^^
v stay there 4 bout 1 hour plus.......
n coz some of them gt tuition later...
so v get bck to the car....
n the "driver" started his work n fetch us bck 1 by 1.....
he was a gud "driver"
mayb i wil giv him big tips next time~~
took at the playground....
2 38 gurl dunno look where^^

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