Monday, September 13, 2010


2day damn hot==''
whole house dun hv cold water>___<
juz gt some heiniken in fridge~~
so my breakfast,lunch is 2 cans of heiniken==
sure kena hantam by dad if he knwXD
finish drinking...
coz rily will blur if drink beer without eating any>,<
so bck to bed~~
had a "noonmare"
coz it happen when i hv afternoon napXD
dun even wanna think bck the dream>,<
wake up...
bck to fb=="
everything change==''
dunno wat i can say-_-
nw i can confirm i hv make a right choice^^
"i dun wan other ppl judge me"
"i knw u will post on fb"
i din say anything and u oled warning me......
mean u rily scared??
u send all tis juz wan me not to post in fb??
the truth is...
i din even think of posting it==''
this rily shows wat kind of ppl u are=_=
i din write who....
u knw rite^^

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