Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wat r they thinking?!...

is 'paper' rily tat important??(paper=certificate)
y ppl wif 'paper' wil gt more advantage in interview...
n those which full of working experience n he juz lack of a 'paper' oni juz can b backup...
y ppl muz think lik tis....
tel u a story....
Mr.b he come out n work after he fail his form 6...
start he work at a lowest rank in his office.....
after 10 year working in tat office.....
he oni gt 2 be the manager of tat office...
when he ask some benifit from the his bos...
his bos refuse 2 giv him....
not oni lik tat~~
bcoz of tat his bos lower his rank..
Mr.b gt think b4 change company...
coz gt company wanna pul him over.....
n wif higher pays~~
it 3 time higher than his pay 4 now.....
but bcoz of no 'paper' he cant make it.....
y do ppl look the 'paper' so important
Mr.b hav 10 years of experience.....
n not everybody can hv tat time 2 gt those exp....
but y they wan a newbie wif 'paper' n dun even now how 2 run a company or wat...
n they giv up a guy tat hav 10 years exp in working....
a person gt 'paper' but he dun hav any experience how he do his work..
mayb he can~~
but i sure he cant do as good as a guy wif more experience....
dunno wat 2 say.....


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