Saturday, July 31, 2010

2nd day

its 2nd day......
saw ur blog.....
dunno wats the feeling nw.....
cant describe......
its a sweet memory for me...
v hav been gone through a lot~~
i will kip in inside my heart...
forever remember....
the way u hug n kiss me....
thx for giving me the chance to love u sayang u...
although atlaz.....
its a bad ending....
but still i wil miss it....
thx baby.....
i loved u......
i will take care myself^^
n drink more water
n oso wun eat too much fried food n spicy food.....
u dun oways care me la weh~~
u gt gastrik oso><
dun oways kip fit n dun eat ho~~
n i knw u lik to eat tomyam mihun!!!!
dun eat so much la weh>
easy kena gastrik....
n drink more water coz ur body vy ez to fall sick~~
if gastrik...
eat the medicine i gv u..
gasviscon its more effective^^
i think tats all^^
pls take gud care urself for ur parent,fren n meXD
i will to^^
i still owe u lots of thing wehXD
if u kena gastrik....
then i might nid to reconsider wanna bring u out on ur birthday or not dXD
pls take care if u wanna gooo yarXD^^

Friday, July 30, 2010


i don't know its was so tough......
i can't imgine what will happen.....
cause even me myself.....
i cant control......
i hope nw all ur fren are at urside....
coz i cant stay at urside....
they will be ur 4ever...
n they wun hurt u....
i dun understand....
i m the 1 who start.....
y will i still feel lik tis....
wat kind of feeling is it....
i m confused.....
hope n bless u stay hapi and healthy....
n smile every day......
i lik it when u smile~~~
i will miss it~~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

i din mean it.......

long time din update jor......
bz doin assignment.....
all thing juz come lik tat.....
n things oso juz go lik tat.....
for u....
i oni can say sory.....
i juz dun wanna hurt u....
n i m hurting since v been 2gather......
tis is the 1st time i write tis kind of thing here......
all the time v always heard ppl say how sweet v are.....
how naiz to have a boy lik tat....
acctually they dunno how sad to hv a boyfren lik me....
i juz din care bout ur feeling b4......
i dunno how u can stand me for 3 years....
even me myself cant stand it....
feel sucks.....
i juz can say.....
i m really sory.....
n i really did love u wif all my heart......
sory baby......
i hope u wun get a bf tats sucks lik me next time.....
u can hate me....
i dun mind....
as long as u r hapi.....
i really will miss the time v been 2gather......
i love u......
its for the laz time.......
i dun hope v can be fren......
coz i dun even dare to think.....
i hav been hurting u.....
the feel of knwing ur bf will break up wif u anytime is scary...
i knw.....
i rily knw.....
mayb i rily not good enough to be ur boyfren....
i hope u will found a boy tat better than me 1000000X time....
i m not beside u .....
u muz learn how to protect urself.....
dun oways let ur brother buli u....
n also ur dad....
anything u still can call me.....
i m still here until u found new boyfren.....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


tis whole week juz do assignment enough><
until nw stil cant finish><
2day relax a bitXD
went for show wif lois,siewyingand BABY!!!!^^
twillight juz ok nia><
not as gud as i expected~~
but atleast i can hav sometime wif baby^^
and oso can relax a bitXD
thx for ur support all the time when i nid ur help~~
although baby juz stay beside me listen me "ngamngamngam"
and baby juz keep quite><
sick d wan oioi tell me ma><
love u^^
hope u recover soon^^

Monday, July 12, 2010


fifa final....
din watchTT
whole nite rushing assignment!!!!
until nw...
still rushing~~
tis week tooo many things nid to complete><
samore kena hantam by mum>deng.....
its stil early ok>looks lik 2nite still goin to do whole nite~~
lets pray tat tml i wun pengsan in class><
coz afternoon promise baby will go watch twillight wif her^^
hope i wun fall asleep in the theathre oso><

Sunday, July 4, 2010


1st time interview^^
but not use to dress lik tis><
all those pic is taken by stu[id meow><