Friday, August 13, 2010

love story(part 1)

a couple....
when they start their relationship...
they were juz trying.....
after 1 month...
both of them fall in love....
its deep......
the guy was kind of close with all the gurl beside him...
but he stil confirm n promise her he will love her 4ever...
n they even talk about wedding n oso their famiy.....
n that time they were juz 16....
both side parent juz dun support them....
but they juz dun care....
she rily think lots for him...
the guy works alone at a shopping complex.....
as a promoter.....
she scared him feels bored so she oso look for a job at the same shopping complex...
and its the same floor wif him...
so she can oways come n accompany him.....
when they were 17...
he still dun hv license...
n he stay far aways from her house....
so they cant oways go out....
but she miss him alot.....
so she took a train alone n change taxi only can reach his hs...
she did all this juz to accompany him.....
n they oso promise each other that they will talk in the phone every day nite b4 go to bed no matter wat happen...
but he oways busy n come home late...
so every nite...
she sit in the dining room until midnite doin ntg but juz waiting his call....
he dunno wats the feel of waiting...
coz he oways made her wait....
n no matter how late...
she is still waiting...
n every time he reach home n cal her...
he say he is tired n juz lik that they close the phone...
she feels dissapointed n hurt....
coz she wait for whole nite...
but wat she get bck is "i m tired"......
but actualy wat she wanna hear is"i miss u"
but he juz dunno wat she wan.....
they were 18....
both finish their secondary scul....
unlucky she got to go for PLKN...
but the 1st thing she scared was not how suffer inside...
the 1st thing she scared is....
she scared he miss her...
so she buy a teddy bear.....
n gv it to him n says"hug it,when u miss me"
she din think for herself....
coz she hv ntg to hug when she miss him....
anything she do...
he will be the 1st thing she think of...
at the 3rd years.....
thing change....
he start college...
she oso start her course...
so both of them started to hv less time to hang out...
every nite they juz talk in phone...

"to be continue"

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