Tuesday, February 1, 2011

as usual we stick 2gather whole day~~~
coz i off 1 day and without transport.....
she came my hs early in the morning.....
and have lunch and dinner wif us......
as usual agn...
she did some srupid stuff agnXD
I LOVE YOU.......
speacial for u......

and things u ask in phone just nw......
thou is rily longlong time ago.....
but if u rily care i rily dun mind...
atleast i knw.....
deep in ur heart.....
u cares me like nobody business.......

pls stop crying when u think bck my past..........
u should smile...
start 101010 u are part of my life.....
and i m part of ur life........
we still have a long path ahead.........
dun worry too much bout tomorrow......
let me use my leg to walk the path...
and ur job is lie on my arms......❤

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