Thursday, April 14, 2011

last update b4 finalsss....
final exam is just around the corner!!>,<
no!!shud be just next door!!
coz its next monday~~
and i have just covered 1 sub out of 5==''
screw it!!!
lets start planning for holidaysXD
not really much plan actually~~
just gonna do some swimming jogging and gym~~
not gonna look for work tis holiday~~

she is having her last paper tomorrow,and start her holiday after that~~
and i m juz gonna startt my finalss>,<
she said wanna "GIVE" me a trip if i done my final wellXD 
water village!!!^~^
i cant wait for that!!
hope that the plan do rily runs^~^
no prob with my finalXD
i wil juz copy paste anything that i learn into the answer sheet~~
okie then~~
gonna continue my study~~
ohya!!and i just have my hair cut and coloured 2day^~^

i wanna cut my hair for quite some time~
but just no time to cut~~
until few days before...
i saw 1 of my frens blogXD
i saw the vlog she made after she have her hair cut at 1 of her frens salloon i think~"jeff's salloon"
its AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

i wanna have my hair cut there too!!!>,<
but......i  just cant wait and no time to go there~T~T
coz the salloon is at cheras~~
and recently busy studying and no time for outingT~T
so i just have my hair cut near kepong>,<
not bad thou^~^
but i still wanted to try jeff's salloon~~
i will be there couple of month later^~^
wait and c!!XD

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