Tuesday, December 28, 2010

bck from bangkok^^
7 days....
not bad actually.....
juz abit bored....
and hot>,<
reach home midnite3am...
then next day 2day gonna work...
damn bloody many customer....
oni knw kacaoT^T
take shirt and c....
then din buy>,<
samore simply throw>,<
whole day juz fold shirt and kip shoe oled feel dizzy@@
work until 1130...
then reach home 12....
next day start work 830@@!!!
i wan sleep longer....
i wan "lie bed"~~

Thursday, December 16, 2010

long time din update jorXD
dear oso ngam me d>,,<

recently juz past 2 month annivesery wif dear❤
bought a bracelet for dear^~^
and oso bought rillakuma for dearXD
dunno y dear like that thinggy so much>,<
even more than me!!!T^T
its dear christmas present..
coz on chrismas i cant celebrate wif her...
i m at bangkok for 7 day....=(
so that 7 days...
rillakuma wil help me to take care of u...
when u mis me.
juz hug him^~^
he will be me for those 7 days❤
love ya dear~
recently hubby oso busy working....
and dear busy studying..
so we hav less time to hang out d....
i will use the rest of my rest time to acc u~~
dun worry❤
it does not effect our relationship^~^

miss ya~~

Thursday, December 9, 2010

wat am i doin>,<
everytime oso like tat!!!!!
do wrong thing oni knw how to say sorry.....
i rilly dunno wat to say when i saw u angry....
i oways scared i say wrong thing and making things worst.....
i knw that not the reason...
but i rily oni can say sorry when i make ppl that are important to me angry or sad....
and when i say sorry..
i rily mean it....
i m sorry.....
i rily got try tam u.....
but i think i m not in in doin it>,<
i wil change....
i wil......
i scared giving any promise...
coz i scared i wil broke it agn.....
mayb tats the reason y i dun dare to tell u in phone that i promise i wun out until late anymore....
nw i knw that i rily not gud in express wat i think.....
yesterday went to midvalley wif dear^~^
juz have a walk and introduce some of my relative to her....
time is juz moving so fast when i'm wif u....
juz dun feel letting u go when u went for 2nd round with fren...
i knw yesterday nite i shud not like that...
but i juz dun feel wanna stay alone at home....
its kinda weird when u r not beside me.....
from the start u are oled holding and even conttroling my mind and my feelings.....
i knw i  m avoiding something.....
i juz not sure wat is it...
mayb is i juz dun wanna be alone...
i oways hope u were by my side....
i din mean to broke any promise..=(
i rily feel killing myself when everytime i do something wrong and i stil like dunno wats goin on....
i m juz so stupid.....

but the only thing i wanna let u knw is....
u are my life.....
u r controling everything of mine....

i love u......

Monday, December 6, 2010

recently post...
1st was sunway trip!!^~^
von belated bday bash^~^
went to sunway lagoon~~
fun thou....
but tiring!!
damn tiring.....
after finish playing..
went to sunway for dinner.....
BBQ plaza^~^
after that all dun feels goin home==''
so went to honey moon for desert.....
then after that all went bck home...
for me....
not goin home...
go for 2nd round==''
fetch my dear....
hen put jj and miko home...
then went to pj meet some brother at BU alsafa.....
chat and ply shisa@_@
until 1am~~
then dear nagm jorXD
dear feels tired...
so fetch dear bck home....
and reach home bout 2am.....
no house in>,
sleep in car that nite.....
until 7am....
they went out...
and i went in straight rush to my bed and sleep..
coz in car cant even sleep>,<
those dogs==''
keep barking>,<
so after went in my room..
sleep for 3 hours...
and get ready for work....
wat a day^~^
suddenly miss u so much=(
miss the way u hug me.......
i cant sleep without ur hug dear......

Thursday, December 2, 2010

normal working day...
as usual....
after gym...
went to work...
then finish work
but 1 diffrent thing yesterday is dear shopping at OU so can acc her 4while^~^
after that went home hs gt things to settle.....

whole day stay at home...
doin ntg@_@