Thursday, December 16, 2010

long time din update jorXD
dear oso ngam me d>,,<

recently juz past 2 month annivesery wif dear❤
bought a bracelet for dear^~^
and oso bought rillakuma for dearXD
dunno y dear like that thinggy so much>,<
even more than me!!!T^T
its dear christmas present..
coz on chrismas i cant celebrate wif her...
i m at bangkok for 7 day....=(
so that 7 days...
rillakuma wil help me to take care of u...
when u mis me.
juz hug him^~^
he will be me for those 7 days❤
love ya dear~
recently hubby oso busy working....
and dear busy studying..
so we hav less time to hang out d....
i will use the rest of my rest time to acc u~~
dun worry❤
it does not effect our relationship^~^

miss ya~~

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