Thursday, December 9, 2010

wat am i doin>,<
everytime oso like tat!!!!!
do wrong thing oni knw how to say sorry.....
i rilly dunno wat to say when i saw u angry....
i oways scared i say wrong thing and making things worst.....
i knw that not the reason...
but i rily oni can say sorry when i make ppl that are important to me angry or sad....
and when i say sorry..
i rily mean it....
i m sorry.....
i rily got try tam u.....
but i think i m not in in doin it>,<
i wil change....
i wil......
i scared giving any promise...
coz i scared i wil broke it agn.....
mayb tats the reason y i dun dare to tell u in phone that i promise i wun out until late anymore....
nw i knw that i rily not gud in express wat i think.....

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