Thursday, December 9, 2010

yesterday went to midvalley wif dear^~^
juz have a walk and introduce some of my relative to her....
time is juz moving so fast when i'm wif u....
juz dun feel letting u go when u went for 2nd round with fren...
i knw yesterday nite i shud not like that...
but i juz dun feel wanna stay alone at home....
its kinda weird when u r not beside me.....
from the start u are oled holding and even conttroling my mind and my feelings.....
i knw i  m avoiding something.....
i juz not sure wat is it...
mayb is i juz dun wanna be alone...
i oways hope u were by my side....
i din mean to broke any promise..=(
i rily feel killing myself when everytime i do something wrong and i stil like dunno wats goin on....
i m juz so stupid.....

but the only thing i wanna let u knw is....
u are my life.....
u r controling everything of mine....

i love u......

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