Monday, December 6, 2010

recently post...
1st was sunway trip!!^~^
von belated bday bash^~^
went to sunway lagoon~~
fun thou....
but tiring!!
damn tiring.....
after finish playing..
went to sunway for dinner.....
BBQ plaza^~^
after that all dun feels goin home==''
so went to honey moon for desert.....
then after that all went bck home...
for me....
not goin home...
go for 2nd round==''
fetch my dear....
hen put jj and miko home...
then went to pj meet some brother at BU alsafa.....
chat and ply shisa@_@
until 1am~~
then dear nagm jorXD
dear feels tired...
so fetch dear bck home....
and reach home bout 2am.....
no house in>,
sleep in car that nite.....
until 7am....
they went out...
and i went in straight rush to my bed and sleep..
coz in car cant even sleep>,<
those dogs==''
keep barking>,<
so after went in my room..
sleep for 3 hours...
and get ready for work....
wat a day^~^

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