Friday, January 28, 2011

longlong time din update jor lul~~
time wif my gurl:
this few days we went for some movie.....
home coming,and 1 more i forgot it name jorXD
and few days b4....
we play a game call true speaking.....
it means that anything i or she ask.....
we oso muz answer it truely....
no lie.......
and so we knw each other more^^
its rily work.....

love ya^~^

last week lois,dlp,yuanshen,lam me.....
5 ppl go ipoh sunway.....
so juz in there play for 2 hours ++
then went out for lunch we ate two shop of tauge chicken ==''
between 45 minute.....
and we also bought 1 bottle of vodka and 1 bottle of rum.....
nite we went to stolen....
all also drink untill tiutiu fengXD
but every 1 oso like that nite!!^~^
let date agn onather day^^

heard that ur dad went in to hospital rite??
wish him luck and bless him^^
confirm he will be okie^^
and u oso muz take care.......
stay tough guy!!!!^~^

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