Tuesday, January 4, 2011

long time dn update blog d..
since i came bck from bangkok...
until nw...
dun have time..
work like hell...
once bckfrom bangkok..
2nd day start work...
until 2day..
atlast tml off....
so 2nite can "pou" late abitXD

where shud i start from??
start from two days b4 new year....
coz other day oni working...

2day work morning...
830 until 530...
so plan after work have movie wif dearXD

bought 715 ticket tron^^
she wanted to c it so much....
b4 i went to bangkok she complain wanna c this show...
naiz show~~
watch until abit sleepyXD
paiseh la~~
not the show not nice....
is juz becoz abit tired..
so in the theather oways kacao dear nia...
scared i fall asleepXD
look at her....
she cal me concerntrate watch movie==''
blink my eye then she scold me sampat==''
and its cold>,<
cal her bring jacket dun wan>,<

after movie...
went for bbq plaza^^
dunno y dear likes to eat there...

but after eat then on the way bck something happen==''
but nw over jor la^^

wierdwierd dei geh...
use some stupid ways to count down and make her laughXD
but it really works^^
stupid me@@
i love u.....

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